Lumen Speaker Series: Archbishop Paul Etienne

Lumen Speaker Series: Archbishop Paul Etienne

Similar to Theology on Tap, a Lumen event is when we host a young adult or outside speaker, but also chant night prayer together (called “Compline”) with the Dominican Friars. This is followed by our social, when we share a refreshing pint of beer or non-alcoholic drink.

Join us this week for a special evening with Archbishop Paul D. Etienne! His Excellency will share a brief talk on a topic of his choice at 7 PM, followed by an engaging Q&A session. For this event, we’re welcoming attendees aged 19-39, so don’t hesitate to invite a friend!

The speaker begins at 7pm sharp (plan to arrive a bit early) and the pub social ends at 10pm.

*** Our parking lot will be closed for this event; you MUST park either on the street or at UW parking lot N5 (5 min walk away).

RSVP is not required

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Hike & Mass - Deception Pass

Hike & Mass - Deception Pass

Time for a new year of Hiking! Join Frassati for a Hike and Mass, Saturday 1/25.

Logistics:  Deception Pass - Goose Rock
Meet at Blessed Sacrament Parking Lot: 7:30 am
Depart Blessed Sacrament: 7:45 am
Drive: 1 hour 30 minutes
Hike: 4.5 miles round trip, 500 ft elevation gain
Calculated Difficulty: Easy/Moderate
Estimated Hiking time: 2 hours 30 minutes
Estimated Hike return time: 2pm, later if people stop for food on the way home

Trailhead Parking: North and West Beach Parking - Google Maps

WTA Link: Deception Pass State Park - Goose Rock — Washington Trails Association ( 

Alltrails link: North Beach to Goose Rock, Washington - Map | AllTrails

This will be a mostly easier hike with short moderate stretches! The hike begins with a mostly flat grade, with a steep incline right before the peak, where we'll get incredible views of deception pass and the sound. The return trip of the hike is downhill then flat.

No snow is expected but please be prepared with good hiking shoes, some water, and waterproof clothing in case of rain/mud.

If you are carpooling, please consider giving your driver $5-$10 for gas via Venmo or in cash. If you plan to drive your car to the trailhead, please note that this park requires a Northwest Forest Pass. Once everyone is signed up, we will follow up with the drivers to make sure all have this pass.

Once everyone is signed up, we will follow up with the drivers to make sure all have a discover pass.

RSVP Here: January Hike & Mass: Deception Pass - Goose Rock (

NOTE: Location may change due to weather

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Young Adult Mass & Dinner

Young Adult Mass & Dinner

Join us for Frassati young adult "Mass and Dinner." If you're new to Frassati events, this is an ideal opportunity to connect with fellow Catholic young adults. We start with Sunday evening Mass at Blessed Sacrament Church, followed by dinner in the parish hall. Each month, a different group of young adults prepares the dinner, so if you're interested in becoming a part of the Mass and Dinner volunteer team or volunteering for one-time cooking, don't hesitate to reach out to a Frassati council member during the event.

RSVP for next month's M&D HERE. Make sure you're on the correct month's page before submitting your RSVP, as we only allow people to rsvp for the upcoming Mass & Dinner.

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Young Adult Adoration

Young Adult Adoration

Join us every second Saturday of the month at UW Newman for a beautiful evening of worship and fellowship! The night features:

Eucharistic Adoration
Praise and Worship Music
Moments of Silence for Personal Prayer
Prayer Teams

Afterward, stick around for a social gathering with food and drinks —a great chance to connect with other young adults from the undergraduate and Frassati communities! Adoration begins at 7PM and ends at 8:30PM, followed by the social. If you want to go to the prayer team, be sure to arrive early, or else you might miss your chance.

If you wish to leave before 10pm, consider parking at the back end of N5 (LINK) and taking the walking trail, a mere 4 min walk to Newman. It is free from noon onwards on Saturdays (and all day Sunday) and would really help our parking situation.

What are Prayer Teams?
During the evening, you’ll have the option to meet with a prayer team—two or three people you can meet in a private space—if you’d like prayer for any specific intention. Whether you’re seeking encouragement, healing (physical or spiritual), a word from God, or a fresh renewal of the Holy Spirit, the team is there to support you in prayer. These short 10-minute sessions have been a powerful experience for many!

We look forward to seeing you there! 🙏

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Lumen Speaker & Pub Series (speaker/topic TBD)

Lumen Speaker & Pub Series (speaker/topic TBD)

Similar to Theology on Tap, a Lumen event is when we host a young adult or outside speaker, but also chant night prayer together (called “Compline”) with the Dominican Friars. This is followed by our social, when we share a refreshing pint of beer or non-alcoholic drink. The topic and speaker for this date will be released in the future (usually at least 2 weeks beforehand)

The speaker begins at 7pm sharp (plan to arrive a bit early) and the pub social ends at 10pm.

*** If you plan to leave before 10PM, you MUST park at UW parking lot N5 (5 min walk away), or else your car will be double parked in.

RSVP is not required

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Lumen Speaker & Pub Series (speaker/topic TBD)

Lumen Speaker & Pub Series (speaker/topic TBD)

Similar to Theology on Tap, a Lumen event is when we host a young adult or outside speaker, but also chant night prayer together (called “Compline”) with the Dominican Friars. This is followed by our social, when we share a refreshing pint of beer or non-alcoholic drink. The topic and speaker for this date will be released in the future (usually at least 2 weeks beforehand)

The speaker begins at 7pm sharp (plan to arrive a bit early) and the pub social ends at 10pm.

*** If you plan to leave before 10PM, you MUST park at UW parking lot N5 (5 min walk away), or else your car will be double parked in.

RSVP is not required

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Young Adult Mass & Dinner

Young Adult Mass & Dinner

Join us for Frassati young adult "Mass and Dinner." If you're new to Frassati events, this is an ideal opportunity to connect with fellow Catholic young adults. We start with Sunday evening Mass at Blessed Sacrament Church, followed by dinner in the parish hall. Each month, a different group of young adults prepares the dinner, so if you're interested in becoming a part of the Mass and Dinner volunteer team or volunteering for one-time cooking, don't hesitate to reach out to a Frassati council member during the event.

RSVP for next month's M&D HERE. Make sure you're on the correct month's page before submitting your RSVP, as we only allow people to rsvp for the upcoming Mass & Dinner.

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Fat Tuesday Beer Meet

Fat Tuesday Beer Meet

Join Frassati for our annual Pre-Lent Beer Meet. We will gather the day before Lent, (on “Fat Tuesday” or “Mardi Gras”), to let loose and have a blast before the sacred season begins, and the first 20 attendees and receive a free Lent devotional book (to be announced.) . We will have a private room in the back of Big Time Brewery reserved. Big Time has street parking, and is only 2 blocks from the light rail. See you there!

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Young Adult Adoration

Young Adult Adoration

Join us every second Saturday of the month at UW Newman for a beautiful evening of worship and fellowship! The night features:

Eucharistic Adoration
Praise and Worship Music
Moments of Silence for Personal Prayer
Prayer Teams

Afterward, stick around for a social gathering with food and drinks —a great chance to connect with other young adults from the undergraduate and Frassati communities! Adoration begins at 7PM and ends at 8:30PM, followed by the social. If you want to go to the prayer team, be sure to arrive early, or else you might miss your chance.

If you wish to leave before 10pm, consider parking at the back end of N5 (LINK) and taking the walking trail, a mere 4 min walk to Newman. It is free from noon onwards on Saturdays (and all day Sunday) and would really help our parking situation.

What are Prayer Teams?
During the evening, you’ll have the option to meet with a prayer team—two or three people you can meet in a private space—if you’d like prayer for any specific intention. Whether you’re seeking encouragement, healing (physical or spiritual), a word from God, or a fresh renewal of the Holy Spirit, the team is there to support you in prayer. These short 10-minute sessions have been a powerful experience for many!

We look forward to seeing you there! 🙏

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Lumen Speaker & Pub Series (speaker/topic TBD)

Lumen Speaker & Pub Series (speaker/topic TBD)

Similar to Theology on Tap, a Lumen event is when we host a young adult or outside speaker, but also chant night prayer together (called “Compline”) with the Dominican Friars. This is followed by our social, when we share a refreshing pint of beer or non-alcoholic drink. The topic and speaker for this date will be released in the future (usually at least 2 weeks beforehand)

The speaker begins at 7pm sharp (plan to arrive a bit early) and the pub social ends at 10pm.

*** If you plan to leave before 10PM, you MUST park at UW parking lot N5 (5 min walk away), or else your car will be double parked in.

RSVP is not required

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Young Adult Lent Retreat | Into the Desert: Transforming Trials into Encounters with God
to Mar 16

Young Adult Lent Retreat | Into the Desert: Transforming Trials into Encounters with God

  • Cedar Springs Christian Retreat Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


Registration closes, 5pm, Sunday March 9th.

Into the Desert: Transforming Trials into Encounters with God

There is no cross without the resurrection, but no resurrection without the cross as well. God’s vocation for us is to flourish, yet He often uses trials - or deserts - as opportunities to mature us as His beloved sons and daughters. In this retreat, we will delve into the biblical and spiritual significance of the desert as a place of transformation and encounter with God and our own demons. Drawing from the wisdom of the Church’s Desert Fathers and modern authors, we will explore how the desert challenges us to shift our perspective, embrace growth, increase in virtue, and deepen our relationship with the Lord.

Friday: A full meal will be provided that evening at the retreat, but we ask that, if you are healthy and able, to fast during the day on Friday in preparation for this retreat.

Below is the schedule for our retreat, please note that you are not required to go to everything. This is your retreat and you are encourage to attend talks but if you need to take a step back and have some personal quiet time or go on a walk you are welcome to do so.


(4pm Volunteer set up & Mass)

5:00 pm Registration Opens

6:30 pm Dinner

7:30 pm Talk 1 – Dn. Nathaniel Maria Mayne

8:30 pm Stations of the Cross followed by Compline (Night Prayer)

Retreat Quiet Hours: 11pm


6:30 am Silent Adoration (optional)

7:30 am Office of Readings/Morning Prayer

8:30 am Breakfast

9:30 am Talk 2 – Kylie Holzknech

10:45 am Talk 3 – Dn. Nathaniel Maria Mayne

12:00 pm Mass – Homily by Dn. Nathaniel Maria Mayne

12:30 pm Lunch

1:30-4:45 Free Time 

Spiritual Direction Available – Fr. Gio, Dn. Nathanial, Kylie, Fr. C

3:30pm Talk on Discernment – Fr. Chrysostom (optional)

4:45 pm Solemn Vespers

5:30 pm Dinner

6:30 Talk 4 – Kylie Holzknech

7:30 pm Adoration & Benediction,

Confession & prayer ministry available during Adoration

Prayer for the Holy Spirit available after Adoration (optional)

~ 9:00 pm Social

Retreat Quiet Hours: 11pm



7:30 am Office/Morning Prayer 

8:30 am Breakfast

9:30 am Talk 5 - Kylie Holzknech

11:00 am Mass – Homily by Fr. Chrysostom Mijinke

12:30 Lunch

Open brainstorm discussions for YA ministry and events.

2:00 pm Depart

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Lumen Speaker & Pub Series (speaker/topic TBD)

Lumen Speaker & Pub Series (speaker/topic TBD)

Similar to Theology on Tap, a Lumen event is when we host a young adult or outside speaker, but also chant night prayer together (called “Compline”) with the Dominican Friars. This is followed by our social, when we share a refreshing pint of beer or non-alcoholic drink. The topic and speaker for this date will be released in the future (usually at least 2 weeks beforehand)

The speaker begins at 7pm sharp (plan to arrive a bit early) and the pub social ends at 10pm.

*** If you plan to leave before 10PM, you MUST park at UW parking lot N5 (5 min walk away), or else your car will be double parked in.

RSVP is not required

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Snowshoeing Mt Baker - USA & CAD

Snowshoeing Mt Baker - USA & CAD

RSVP form will be released in the future about 2 weeks before event.

Hello Frassati Young Adults!

Join us for a beautiful snowshoe excursion to Artist Point on Saturday, March 29. Snowshoeing Artist Point has historically been an annual trip with Frassati and we're excited to continue this tradition in 2024!

Probable timetable: Meet at the UW Newman Center at 6:45 AM, and we will depart at 7:00 AM. The drive is about 3 hours, and we should arrive back at 5:00 pm.

We will be joined by Dominican sisters from Bremerton and Vancouver and the Verso l'Alto young adults group from Langley and Vancouver, B.C. Weather permitting, Fr. Chrysostom will be celebrating Mass for us at the top.

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Young Adult Mass & Dinner

Young Adult Mass & Dinner

Join us for Frassati young adult "Mass and Dinner." If you're new to Frassati events, this is an ideal opportunity to connect with fellow Catholic young adults. We start with Sunday evening Mass at Blessed Sacrament Church, followed by dinner in the parish hall. Each month, a different group of young adults prepares the dinner, so if you're interested in becoming a part of the Mass and Dinner volunteer team or volunteering for one-time cooking, don't hesitate to reach out to a Frassati council member during the event.

RSVP for next month's M&D HERE. Make sure you're on the correct month's page before submitting your RSVP, as we only allow people to rsvp for the upcoming Mass & Dinner.

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Lumen Speaker & Pub Series (speaker/topic TBD)

Lumen Speaker & Pub Series (speaker/topic TBD)

Similar to Theology on Tap, a Lumen event is when we host a young adult or outside speaker, but also chant night prayer together (called “Compline”) with the Dominican Friars. This is followed by our social, when we share a refreshing pint of beer or non-alcoholic drink. The topic and speaker for this date will be released in the future (usually at least 2 weeks beforehand)

The speaker begins at 7pm sharp (plan to arrive a bit early) and the pub social ends at 10pm.

*** If you plan to leave before 10PM, you MUST park at UW parking lot N5 (5 min walk away), or else your car will be double parked in.

RSVP is not required

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Young Adult Adoration

Young Adult Adoration

Join us every second Saturday of the month at UW Newman for a beautiful evening of worship and fellowship! The night features:

Eucharistic Adoration
Praise and Worship Music
Moments of Silence for Personal Prayer
Prayer Teams

Afterward, stick around for a social gathering with food and drinks —a great chance to connect with other young adults from the undergraduate and Frassati communities! Adoration begins at 7PM and ends at 8:30PM, followed by the social. If you want to go to the prayer team, be sure to arrive early, or else you might miss your chance.

If you wish to leave before 10pm, consider parking at the back end of N5 (LINK) and taking the walking trail, a mere 4 min walk to Newman. It is free from noon onwards on Saturdays (and all day Sunday) and would really help our parking situation.

What are Prayer Teams?
During the evening, you’ll have the option to meet with a prayer team—two or three people you can meet in a private space—if you’d like prayer for any specific intention. Whether you’re seeking encouragement, healing (physical or spiritual), a word from God, or a fresh renewal of the Holy Spirit, the team is there to support you in prayer. These short 10-minute sessions have been a powerful experience for many!

We look forward to seeing you there! 🙏

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Lumen Speaker & Pub Series (speaker/topic TBD)

Lumen Speaker & Pub Series (speaker/topic TBD)

Similar to Theology on Tap, a Lumen event is when we host a young adult or outside speaker, but also chant night prayer together (called “Compline”) with the Dominican Friars. This is followed by our social, when we share a refreshing pint of beer or non-alcoholic drink. The topic and speaker for this date will be released in the future (usually at least 2 weeks beforehand)

The speaker begins at 7pm sharp (plan to arrive a bit early) and the pub social ends at 10pm.

*** If you plan to leave before 10PM, you MUST park at UW parking lot N5 (5 min walk away), or else your car will be double parked in.

RSVP is not required

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Young Adult Mass & Dinner

Young Adult Mass & Dinner

Join us for Frassati young adult "Mass and Dinner." If you're new to Frassati events, this is an ideal opportunity to connect with fellow Catholic young adults. We start with Sunday evening Mass at Blessed Sacrament Church, followed by dinner in the parish hall. Each month, a different group of young adults prepares the dinner, so if you're interested in becoming a part of the Mass and Dinner volunteer team or volunteering for one-time cooking, don't hesitate to reach out to a Frassati council member during the event.

RSVP for next month's M&D HERE. Make sure you're on the correct month's page before submitting your RSVP, as we only allow people to rsvp for the upcoming Mass & Dinner.

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Lumen Speaker & Pub Series (speaker/topic TBD)

Lumen Speaker & Pub Series (speaker/topic TBD)

Similar to Theology on Tap, a Lumen event is when we host a young adult or outside speaker, but also chant night prayer together (called “Compline”) with the Dominican Friars. This is followed by our social, when we share a refreshing pint of beer or non-alcoholic drink. The topic and speaker for this date will be released in the future (usually at least 2 weeks beforehand)

The speaker begins at 7pm sharp (plan to arrive a bit early) and the pub social ends at 10pm.

*** If you plan to leave before 10PM, you MUST park at UW parking lot N5 (5 min walk away), or else your car will be double parked in.

RSVP is not required

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Young Adult Adoration

Young Adult Adoration

Join us every second Saturday of the month at UW Newman for a beautiful evening of worship and fellowship! The night features:

Eucharistic Adoration
Praise and Worship Music
Moments of Silence for Personal Prayer
Prayer Teams

Afterward, stick around for a social gathering with food and drinks —a great chance to connect with other young adults from the undergraduate and Frassati communities! Adoration begins at 7PM and ends at 8:30PM, followed by the social. If you want to go to the prayer team, be sure to arrive early, or else you might miss your chance.

If you wish to leave before 10pm, consider parking at the back end of N5 (LINK) and taking the walking trail, a mere 4 min walk to Newman. It is free from noon onwards on Saturdays (and all day Sunday) and would really help our parking situation.

What are Prayer Teams?
During the evening, you’ll have the option to meet with a prayer team—two or three people you can meet in a private space—if you’d like prayer for any specific intention. Whether you’re seeking encouragement, healing (physical or spiritual), a word from God, or a fresh renewal of the Holy Spirit, the team is there to support you in prayer. These short 10-minute sessions have been a powerful experience for many!

We look forward to seeing you there! 🙏

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Lumen Speaker & Pub Series (speaker/topic TBD)

Lumen Speaker & Pub Series (speaker/topic TBD)

Similar to Theology on Tap, a Lumen event is when we host a young adult or outside speaker, but also chant night prayer together (called “Compline”) with the Dominican Friars. This is followed by our social, when we share a refreshing pint of beer or non-alcoholic drink. The topic and speaker for this date will be released in the future (usually at least 2 weeks beforehand)

The speaker begins at 7pm sharp (plan to arrive a bit early) and the pub social ends at 10pm.

*** If you plan to leave before 10PM, you MUST park at UW parking lot N5 (5 min walk away), or else your car will be double parked in.

RSVP is not required

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Young Adult Mass & Dinner

Young Adult Mass & Dinner

Join us for Frassati young adult "Mass and Dinner." If you're new to Frassati events, this is an ideal opportunity to connect with fellow Catholic young adults. We start with Sunday evening Mass at Blessed Sacrament Church, followed by dinner in the parish hall. Each month, a different group of young adults prepares the dinner, so if you're interested in becoming a part of the Mass and Dinner volunteer team or volunteering for one-time cooking, don't hesitate to reach out to a Frassati council member during the event.

RSVP for next month's M&D HERE. Make sure you're on the correct month's page before submitting your RSVP, as we only allow people to rsvp for the upcoming Mass & Dinner.

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Young Adult Adoration

Young Adult Adoration

Join us every second Saturday of the month at UW Newman for a beautiful evening of worship and fellowship! The night features:

Eucharistic Adoration
Praise and Worship Music
Moments of Silence for Personal Prayer
Prayer Teams

Afterward, stick around for a social gathering with food and drinks —a great chance to connect with other young adults from the undergraduate and Frassati communities! Adoration begins at 7PM and ends at 8:30PM, followed by the social. If you want to go to the prayer team, be sure to arrive early, or else you might miss your chance.

If you wish to leave before 10pm, consider parking at the back end of N5 (LINK) and taking the walking trail, a mere 4 min walk to Newman. It is free from noon onwards on Saturdays (and all day Sunday) and would really help our parking situation.

What are Prayer Teams?
During the evening, you’ll have the option to meet with a prayer team—two or three people you can meet in a private space—if you’d like prayer for any specific intention. Whether you’re seeking encouragement, healing (physical or spiritual), a word from God, or a fresh renewal of the Holy Spirit, the team is there to support you in prayer. These short 10-minute sessions have been a powerful experience for many!

We look forward to seeing you there! 🙏

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Lumen Speaker Series: "The Authority of the Church" by Fr. Augustine Hilander OP

Lumen Speaker Series: "The Authority of the Church" by Fr. Augustine Hilander OP

Fr. Augustine Hilander OP

Similar to Theology on Tap, a Lumen event is when we host a young adult or outside speaker, but also chant night prayer together (called “Compline”) with the Dominican Friars. This is followed by our social, when we share a refreshing pint of beer or non-alcoholic drink.

This week, the Dominican Prior, Fr. Augustine, will speak on what authority the Church has: "What does authority mean? Does the Church have authority? What does this mean? How does it affect your life?"

The speaker begins at 7pm sharp (plan to arrive a bit early) and the pub social ends at 10pm.

*** If you plan to leave before 10PM, you MUST park at UW parking lot N5 (5 min walk away), or else your car will be double parked in.

RSVP is not required

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Young Adult Mass & Dinner

Young Adult Mass & Dinner

Join us for Frassati young adult "Mass and Dinner." If you're new to Frassati events, this is an ideal opportunity to connect with fellow Catholic young adults. We start with Sunday evening Mass at Blessed Sacrament Church, followed by dinner in the parish hall. Each month, a different group of young adults prepares the dinner, so if you're interested in becoming a part of the Mass and Dinner volunteer team or volunteering for one-time cooking, don't hesitate to reach out to a Frassati council member during the event.

RSVP for next month's M&D HERE. Make sure you're on the correct month's page before submitting your RSVP, as we only allow people to rsvp for the upcoming Mass & Dinner.

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Christmas Lights at the Bellevue Botanical Gardens!

Christmas Lights at the Bellevue Botanical Gardens!

Join fellow young adults for an enchanting evening at Garden d’Lights in the Bellevue Botanical Garden, where over half a million sparkling lights create whimsical displays of plants, flowers, animals, and cascading waterfalls.

🗓 Date & Time:
Sat, Dec 21. Purchase your own $8 ticket for a 7:00 PM entry (CLICK HERE) and meet us at the entrance at 6:45 PM.

We’ll bring hot chocolate to keep you warm—please dress for the weather!

🚗 Carpooling:
Interested in carpooling? (Click Here) to coordinate rides.

Let us know you’re coming so we’ll wait for you! RSVP with your name and cell number.
RSVP Here (This is the same as the carpooling form)

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Praise & Adoration

Praise & Adoration

Join us for Young Adult Adoration—a space to bring your week’s burdens before the Lord and find rejuvenation and healing. Held every second Saturday of the month at UW Newman, the evening includes Adoration, praise and worship with periods of silence, confessions, and prayer teams, followed by a social gathering. This year, we’re excited to introduce Inner Healing and Freedom sessions as well.

If you’re unfamiliar with prayer teams or the inner healing ministry, here’s a brief overview:

Prayer Teams: During the event, you have the option to visit a prayer team—two or three people in a side room—if you’d like prayer for a specific intention. Whether you’re seeking encouragement, healing (including physical), a word from God, renewal of the Holy Spirit, or anything else on your heart, the team will be there to pray with you. Sessions usually last about 10 minutes. Many have found this ministry to be deeply impactful.

Inner Healing & Freedom Ministry: This ministry focuses on inner healing from the wounds and trauma we’ve experienced in our life, and freedom from any evil influences or strongholds. It involves a one-hour session with two trained ministers who guide you in a conversation with Jesus, allowing Him to heal the wounds of your life and dispel lies you may have come to believe. While we’re not taking bookings just yet (which will be required for this ministry), we’ll have more information available in the coming weeks.

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Lumen Speaker Series: "From Lawful Evil to Chaotic Good: The History of Blessed Sacrament and the Newman Center”

Lumen Speaker Series: "From Lawful Evil to Chaotic Good: The History of Blessed Sacrament and the Newman Center”

Similar to Theology on Tap, a Lumen event is when we host a young adult or outside speaker, but then chant night prayer together (called “Compline”) with the Dominican Friars. This is followed by our social with drinks and appetizers.

This Lumen, Martín Eizayaga will retell the history of Blessed Sacrament and the Newman Center through anecdotes that are superimposed to an alignment chart: from Lawful Evil to Chaotic Good. Audience participation is encouraged.

The speaker begins at 7pm sharp (plan to arrive a bit early) and the pub social ends at 10pm.

*** If you plan to leave before 10PM, you MUST park at UW parking lot N5 (5 min walk away), or else your car will be double parked in.

RSVP is not required

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Young Adult Christmas Party (tickets now on sale)

Young Adult Christmas Party (tickets now on sale)

Join us for the All-Seattle Archdiocesan Young Adult Christmas Formal! Gather for a festive and classy celebration of the Christmas season with live music, dancing, appetizers, & seasonal cocktails, and connect with Catholic young adults across the diocese and region. This is the biggest young adult event in the diocese with over 250 people last year. Invite a friend and make new ones! We can’t wait for another year of this joyful tradition.




Each ticket comes with food, non-alcoholic beverages and 2 alcoholic beverages; additional drinks available for purchase.

This is a 21+ event hosted by the UW Newman/Frassati Young Adult group. IDs will be checked at the door. Parking and coat check are available.


December 7th, 7PM-11:30PM

St. Alphonsus Family Center (Ballard)

1415 NW 58th St, Seattle, WA 98107

Formal attire (women: cocktail dress to full length gowns; men: suit, tie, dress pants)



7:00 PM - 8:00 PM Party Rock Around the Tree (dance music)

8:00 PM - 8:50 PM Live Music Set 1

8:50 PM - 9:00 PM Break 

9:00 PM - 9:50 PM Live Music Set 2

9:50 PM - 11:00 PM Party Rock Around the Tree (dance music) 


Pre-sale ticket prices will increase over time and can also be purchased at the door. Looking for a discount? Volunteer just 1 hour of your time to receive a reduced rate (see below).

10/31-11/23 $25

11/24-12/6 $30

12/7 (door) $35 

Volunteers get a discount! Looking to volunteer?

Fill out this form instead:



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Simbang Gabi

Simbang Gabi

Celebrate Simbang Gabi, a cherished Filipino Christmastime tradition, with the Frassati Young Adult, UW Newman, and greater Filipino community!

The evening begins with Mass at 7 PM at the UW Newman Center, followed by a potluck dinner and a cultural dance performance by the UW Sayaw Filipino Folk Dance Troupe.

All are welcome—no RSVP needed!

Parking: We recommend parking at the back end of N5 (LINK) and a short 4-minute walk to UW Newman via the walking trail.

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Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebration

Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebration

We’re bringing the Frassati Young Adult, UW Newman undergrads and Blessed Sacrament communities together in celebrating the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe on Sunday, December 3rd at the Newman Center!

The evening begins with Mass at 7 PM at the UW Newman Center, followed by a festive dinner featuring tamales, a cultural dance performance by an Aztec dance group, and the singing of Las Mañanitas.

All are welcome—no RSVP required!

Please consider parking at that back end of N5 (LINK) and taking the walking trail for a 4 min walk to UW Newman.

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Young Adult Mass & Dinner

Young Adult Mass & Dinner

Join us for Frassati young adult "Mass and Dinner." If you're new to Frassati events, this is an ideal opportunity to connect with fellow Catholic young adults. We start with Sunday evening Mass at Blessed Sacrament Church, followed by dinner in the parish hall. Each month, a different group of young adults prepares the dinner, so if you're interested in becoming a part of the Mass and Dinner volunteer team or volunteering for one-time cooking, don't hesitate to reach out to a Frassati council member during the event.

RSVP for next month's M&D HERE. Make sure you're on the correct month's page before submitting your RSVP, as we only allow people to rsvp for the upcoming Mass & Dinner.

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Young Adult Fall Retreat: The Community of Saints
to Nov 24

Young Adult Fall Retreat: The Community of Saints

Registration is open:

Join other young adults (21-35) for a peaceful weekend of prayer and fellowship at the beautiful Cabin Creek Lodge in the woods. This year’s theme, The Community of Saints, explores how God always calls communities—and individuals only as part of these communities—to Himself for holiness.

We’ll reflect on how an individual’s ability to thrive or struggle is deeply influenced by the community and culture around them, and we’ll dive into scripture to discover God’s vision of a flourishing community. While American culture tends to emphasize individualism, we we’ll explore how God’s design for community emphasizes both individuals and the community they called to be part of.

We’ll explore examples from ancient Israel, the New Testament, and the lives of the saints. We’ll examine what Proverbs 29:18 means when it says, “Without a vision, the people perish,” and discuss the concept of spiritual atmospheres that can shape groups and even entire cities. We’ll look at the science on how God designed each of us to find our identity, belonging, and purpose within a community.

Finally, once we have a clear vision of what community means to God and examples from the lives of the saints, we’ll reflect on our own community and discern how God could be calling us, the Church in Seattle, to embody his vision of a thriving community on earth.

🌲 Location: Near Seattle, this beautiful cabin is nestled on 51 acres beside the Yakima River in the Wenatchee National Forest. Usually a wedding venue with beautiful spaces and scenery, the cabin will make you feel like you are a world away from the city. CLICK HERE for their website.

🚗 Carpooling Option: We will arrange for carpooling on the registration form.

🙏 Spiritual Enrichment: Daily prayer includes chanted prayer, Mass, quiet adoration, along with encouraging and thought-provoking talks with group discussion and sharing.

🏡 Cabin Comfort: Due to the generosity of this venue we are able to offer this retreat at its current discounted cost. The cabin is very large (10,000 square feet), and includes a game room and other lounge areas, as well as a fire pit. We also have permission from the diocese to make one room a chapel with a tabernacle.

🙋🏻‍♂️ There is no meal service or cabin staff, so everyone will also help in some way regarding cooking and/or cleaning, which we will inform you about once we have everyone registered. That being said, we have the same amazing head chef coming this year from last year!

🛏️💤 The rooms all contain bunk beds or queen/king beds to share. Each room has a bathroom with sink, toilet & shower. There are also two public toilets on each floor as well as two extra showers on the 2nd floor.

🔟% We have some scholarships available (25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%), so please reach out to us at if financial assistance is needed. It is our goal that everyone who desires to attend should be able to attend.

Check-in will probably begin on Friday around 4pm, with dinner from 6:30-7:30 pm. The retreat ends on Sunday with Mass and lunch, followed by clean up, with everyone leaving the property around 1:30 pm. But specifics will be released soon.

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Lumen Speaker & Pub Series: Gregorian Chant 101. How to sing with the Church

Lumen Speaker & Pub Series: Gregorian Chant 101. How to sing with the Church

Similar to Theology on Tap, a Lumen event is when we host a young adult or outside speaker, but then chant night prayer together (called “Compline”) with the Dominican Friars. This is followed by our social, when we share a refreshing pint of beer or non-alcoholic drink. The topic and speaker for this date will be released in the future (usually at least 2 weeks beforehand)

November’s young adult speaker will be Matt Chan: “Have you ever encountered odd square notes in a hymnal and felt left out when others sing? This lumen workshop will teach you how to read Gregorian Chant. We will sight-read examples of this musical notation together and you will leave with the ability to sing this on your own."

The speaker begins at 7pm sharp (plan to arrive a bit early) and the pub social ends at 10pm.

*** If you plan to leave before 10PM, you MUST park at UW parking lot N5 (5 min walk away), or else your car will be double parked in.

RSVP is not required

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Praise & Adoration

Praise & Adoration

Join us for Young Adult Adoration—a space to bring your week’s burdens before the Lord and find rejuvenation and healing. Held every second Saturday of the month at UW Newman, the evening includes Adoration, praise and worship with periods of silence, confessions, and prayer teams, followed by a social gathering. This year, we’re excited to introduce Inner Healing and Freedom sessions as well.

If you’re unfamiliar with prayer teams or the inner healing ministry, here’s a brief overview:

Prayer Teams: During the event, you have the option to visit a prayer team—two or three people in a side room—if you’d like prayer for a specific intention. Whether you’re seeking encouragement, healing (including physical), a word from God, renewal of the Holy Spirit, or anything else on your heart, the team will be there to pray with you. Sessions usually last about 10 minutes. Many have found this ministry to be deeply impactful.

Inner Healing & Freedom Ministry: This ministry focuses on inner healing from the wounds and trauma we’ve experienced in our life, and freedom from any evil influences or strongholds. It involves a one-hour session with two trained ministers who guide you in a conversation with Jesus, allowing Him to heal the wounds of your life and dispel lies you may have come to believe. While we’re not taking bookings just yet (which will be required for this ministry), we’ll have more information available in the coming weeks.

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Young Adult Mass & Dinner

Young Adult Mass & Dinner

Join us for Frassati young adult "Mass and Dinner." If you're new to Frassati events, this is an ideal opportunity to connect with fellow Catholic young adults. We start with Sunday evening Mass at Blessed Sacrament Church, followed by dinner in the parish hall. Each month, a different group of young adults prepares the dinner, so if you're interested in becoming a part of the Mass and Dinner volunteer team or volunteering for one-time cooking, don't hesitate to reach out to a Frassati council member during the event.

RSVP for next month's M&D HERE. Make sure you're on the correct month's page before submitting your RSVP, as we only allow people to rsvp for the upcoming Mass & Dinner.

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Hike & Mass: Ancient Lakes

Hike & Mass: Ancient Lakes


Welcome to Frassati Young Adults Outdoor Ministry!

Join us for our monthly Hike & Mass as we explore the stunning Ancient Lakes Trail. This unique location in the Potholes Coulee offers some of the most remarkable geological formations shaped by Ice Age floods. You’ll experience scenic views of sparkling lakes set against dramatic basalt cliffs and steep rock walls—one of the best examples of a recessional-cataract canyon. The hike is not difficult, and, best of all, we'll celebrate Mass right before lunch.

Hike Details:
Trail Name: Ancient Lakes Trail
Distance: 4.6 miles (with optional extensions of 1-2 miles depending on group interest)
Elevation Gain: 295 feet (easy difficulty)
Route Type: Loop
Hike Duration: Approximately 1 hour 45 minutes of hiking (plus Mass and optional extensions)
(Optional Extension: Time permitting, we may add a short 2-mile hike to Wee Franklin Falls on our return.)

Trail Highlights:
Spectacular lakes contrasting with the arid landscape
Towering cliffs and rugged rock walls shaped by historic floods
Possible wildflowers and wildlife sightings, such as hawks and waterfowl

Meeting Point & Schedule:

If Carpooling, meet at: Blessed Sacrament Church parking lot. (Park along the chain-link fence.) 7:00 AM (departure at 7:15 AM sharp).

If meeting at trailhead: meet us at 10:30 AM
Drive Time: Approximately 3 hours each way
Return: Estimated arrival back at 6:00 PM
Weather: this time of the year, it tends to be in the mid 50s and sunny, but we'll send a weather report the day before

What to Dress and Bring (depending on weather report)
1. Water
2. Snacks and lunch
3. Hiking shoes or runners
4. Layers: t-shirt, light sweater, soft shell, rain shell.
6. Appropriate pants (not jeans) 7. Wool socks
8. Hat
9. Gloves
10. Sunglasses
11. Sunscreen
12. Trekking poles (optional)

For more details on the trail, visit the AllTrails link here.

Note: if weather/trail reports makes this trail no longer ideal for the day (which is unlikely) we will indicate alternative plans in the email that will be sent the day beforehand. 

Ancient Lakes

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Lumen Speaker & Pub Series

Lumen Speaker & Pub Series

Andrew Donnelly will present on Four Temperaments Theory: Concepts and Contexts. What is temperament, and how can four temperaments theory help us to better know self and neighbor? We will explore these questions, featuring thoughts by modern Catholic authors. Related concepts and contexts will include: how we may determine our own temperament; cautions and limitations of the study; related topics such as personality; and asking who we are in light of Catholic teachings on God and love.

Similar to Theology on Tap, a Lumen event is when we host a young adult or outside speaker, but then chant night prayer together (called “Compline”) with the Dominican Friars. This is followed by our social, when we share a refreshing pint of beer or non-alcoholic drink. The topic and speaker for this date will be released in the future (usually at least 2 weeks beforehand)

The speaker begins at 7pm sharp (plan to arrive a bit early) and the pub social ends at 10pm.

*** If you plan to leave before 10PM, you MUST park at UW parking lot N5 (5 min walk away), or else your car will be double parked in.

RSVP is not required

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Frassati goes to a Farm

Frassati goes to a Farm

Join fellow young adults for a thrilling trip to Stoker Farm (also known as "Stalker Farm" for Halloween)! Enjoy a spooky nighttime corn maze, Halloween haunted houses, games, and more. We've rented a bonfire pit where we’ll end the night with a cozy campfire from 8:15 PM to 9:45 PM. There’s also a beer garden and food trucks to keep you fueled! We'll be carpooling, but note that you’ll need to purchase your own entry ticket (choose between the Double Dare or No-Scare options). No need to worry about the bonfire fee—we’ve got that covered!


RSVP and Carpool

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Praise & Adoration

Praise & Adoration

Join us for Young Adult Adoration—a space to bring your week’s burdens before the Lord and find rejuvenation and healing. Held every second Saturday of the month at UW Newman, the evening includes Adoration, praise and worship with periods of silence, confessions, and prayer teams, followed by a social gathering. This year, we’re excited to introduce Inner Healing and Freedom sessions as well.

If you’re unfamiliar with prayer teams or the inner healing ministry, here’s a brief overview:

Prayer Teams: During the event, you have the option to visit a prayer team—two or three people in a side room—if you’d like prayer for a specific intention. Whether you’re seeking encouragement, healing (including physical), a word from God, renewal of the Holy Spirit, or anything else on your heart, the team will be there to pray with you. Sessions usually last about 10 minutes. Many have found this ministry to be deeply impactful.

Inner Healing & Freedom Ministry: This ministry focuses on inner healing from the wounds and trauma we’ve experienced in our life, and freedom from any evil influences or strongholds. It involves a one-hour session with two trained ministers who guide you in a conversation with Jesus, allowing Him to heal the wounds of your life and dispel lies you may have come to believe. While we’re not taking bookings just yet (which will be required for this ministry), we’ll have more information available in the coming weeks.

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Lumen Speaker & Pub Series

Lumen Speaker & Pub Series

After 2,000 miles and 5 months on the Pacific Crest Trail last year, fellow Frassati member “Indy” Joe Porter will share stories of faith, growth and healing from his trek. Come learn all about the PCT, life on the trail and the transformative journey walking from Mexico to Canada.

Similar to Theology on Tap, a Lumen event is when we host a young adult or outside speaker, but then chant night prayer together (called “Compline”) with the Dominican Friars. This is followed by our social, when we share a refreshing pint of beer or non-alcoholic drink. The topic and speaker for this date will be released in the future (usually at least 2 weeks beforehand)

The speaker begins at 7pm sharp (plan to arrive a bit early) and the pub social ends at 10pm.

*** If you plan to leave before 10PM, you MUST park at UW parking lot N5 (5 min walk away), or else your car will be double parked in.

RSVP is not required

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Young Adult Mass & Dinner

Young Adult Mass & Dinner

Join us for Frassati young adult "Mass and Dinner." If you're new to Frassati events, this is an ideal opportunity to connect with fellow Catholic young adults. We start with Sunday evening Mass at Blessed Sacrament Church, followed by dinner in the parish hall. Each month, a different group of young adults prepares the dinner, so if you're interested in becoming a part of the Mass and Dinner volunteer team or volunteering for one-time cooking, don't hesitate to reach out to a Frassati council member during the event.

RSVP for next month's M&D HERE. Make sure you're on the correct month's page before submitting your RSVP, as we only allow people to rsvp for the upcoming Mass & Dinner.

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Hike & Mass

Hike & Mass


Larch season is upon us! Join Frassati for a larch hike and mass, Saturday 10/5. 

Logistics: Yellow Aster Butte
Meet at Blessed Sacrament: 5 am
Depart Blessed Sacrament: 5:15 am
Drive: 2 hours 30 minutes
Hike: 7.5 miles round trip, 2,550 ft elevation gain
Calculated Difficulty: Hard
Estimated Hiking time: 5 hours 30 minutes
Estimated Hike return time: 5:30-6pm, later if people stop for dinner on the way home 

This will be a challenging and beautiful hike! The hike begins with a steady grade of incline. The last part of the hike is quite steep but it leads to incredible views! 

Please be prepared with good hiking boots, plenty of water, snacks, optional trekking poles, and waterproof clothing in case of rain/mud. Please bring extra warm layers. 
NOTE: Hikers must pack out human waste instead of burying it for this hike. 

If you are carpooling, please consider giving your driver $5-$10 for gas via Venmo or in cash. If you plan to drive your car to the trailhead, please note that this park requires a Northwest Forest Pass. Once everyone is signed up, we will follow up with the drivers to make sure all have this pass.
NOTE: The road to trail can be rough and may need high clearance vehicles and possibly AWD. 

NOTE: Due to the Larch season being tight, if the season is over by the time of this hike we will convert to another closer hike at Lake Valhalla. 

WTA trail description:

Hike and Mass Leads: 

Monica Kim and Carlos Villagomez

For questions email:

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Hike & Mass: Sunrise Hike

Hike & Mass: Sunrise Hike

Join Frassati for a sunrise hike and celebrate Mass. We’ll be celebrating Sunday Mass on 9/29 by sunrise.

Logistics: Dirty Harry Balcony
Meet at Blessed Sacrament: 4:00 am
Depart Blessed Sacrament: 4:15 am SHARP
Drive: 50 Minutes
Hike: 2 Miles, 1,200 ft of gain
Estimated Hiking time: 1:30
Hike Start time: Promptly at 5:00 am
Sunrise; 7:06 am

This trail maintains a steady grade of incline. The balcony where Mass will be held is heavily rocky. Optional hiking after Mass may be available.

The balcony opens up facing the east, allowing for a clear vision of the sunrise. Please be prepared with good hiking boots, head lamp, plenty of water, snacks, optional trekking poles, and waterproof clothing in case of rain/mud. As we wait for sunrise, it will be cold, so be prepared with warm layers.

If you are carpooling, please consider giving your driver $5-$10 for gas via Venmo or in cash. If you plan to drive your car to the trailhead, please note that this park requires a Discover Pass.

Once everyone is signed up, we will follow up with the drivers to make sure all have this pass. Since this hike is a sunrise hike, and has a specific time constraint, we will not be able to wait for any late arrivals.

RSVP Here:

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A Calling to Monastic Life: A Benedictine Monk’s Vocation Story

A Calling to Monastic Life: A Benedictine Monk’s Vocation Story

This week’s Lumen speaker is Fr. Joseph Park OSB, a monk from Westminster Abbey in Mission, BC. Originally hailing from the Seattle area, Fr. Joseph will share his journey of discernment and how it ultimately led him to the monastic life. Join us for an inspiring vocation talk as Fr. Joseph shares his story about how he became a monk.

Similar to Theology on Tap, a Lumen event is when we host a young adult or outside speaker, but then chant night prayer together (called “Compline”) with the Dominican Friars. This is followed by our social, when we share a refreshing pint of beer or non-alcoholic drink. The topic and speaker for this date will be released in the future (usually at least 2 weeks beforehand)

The speaker begins at 7pm sharp (plan to arrive a bit early) and the pub social ends at 10pm.

*** If you plan to leave before 10PM, you MUST park at UW parking lot N5 (5 min walk away), or else your car will be double parked in.

RSVP is not required

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Fall Kickoff Bonfire: Welcome to new Grads, Docs, YA

Fall Kickoff Bonfire: Welcome to new Grads, Docs, YA

  • Blessed Sacrament Church (priory backyard) (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Come to our young adults Fall kick off event! Come for good drinks, BBQ and snacks, and of course, bonfires. Everyone is invited, but especially any new Grad or Doc students, or any new young professionals and new hires in the Seattle area.

It will be located in the Dominican Priory Backyard, beside Blessed Sacrament Church. If you don’t know where that is, just walk to the south end of Blessed Sacrament (opposite end of the LARGE parking lot with basketball hoops), and follow the sound of music.

The event beings at 7 PM, or whenever the 5:30 PM Saturday Mass ends at Blessed Sacrament. (Go to Mass, and then head over).

Please RSVP:

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Summertime Beer & Board Game Nights

Summertime Beer & Board Game Nights

Join us for chill board game nights this summer! Bring a game to share or just bring yourself. We'll be meeting upstairs at the UW Newman Center in the St. Thomas Aquinas Classroom, 4th room on the left. Don't forget to bring your own drink.

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Summertime Beer & Board Game Nights

Summertime Beer & Board Game Nights

Join us for chill board game nights this summer! Bring a game to share or just bring yourself. We'll be meeting upstairs at the UW Newman Center in the St. Thomas Aquinas Classroom, 4th room on the left. Don't forget to bring your own drink.

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Young Adult Mass & Dinner

Young Adult Mass & Dinner


Join us for Frassati young adult "Mass and Dinner." If you're new to Frassati events, this is an ideal opportunity to connect with fellow Catholic young adults. We start with Sunday evening Mass at Blessed Sacrament Church, followed by dinner in the parish hall. Each month, a different group of young adults prepares the dinner, so if you're interested in becoming a part of the Mass and Dinner volunteer team or volunteering for one-time cooking, don't hesitate to reach out to a Frassati council member during the event.

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Summertime Beer & Board Game Nights

Summertime Beer & Board Game Nights

Join us for chill board game nights this summer! Bring a game to share or just bring yourself. We'll be meeting upstairs at the UW Newman Center in the St. Thomas Aquinas Classroom, 4th room on the left. Don't forget to bring your own drink.

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