Registration closes, 5pm, Sunday March 9th.
Into the Desert: Transforming Trials into Encounters with God
There is no cross without the resurrection, but no resurrection without the cross as well. God’s vocation for us is to flourish, yet He often uses trials - or deserts - as opportunities to mature us as His beloved sons and daughters. In this retreat, we will delve into the biblical and spiritual significance of the desert as a place of transformation and encounter with God and our own demons. Drawing from the wisdom of the Church’s Desert Fathers and modern authors, we will explore how the desert challenges us to shift our perspective, embrace growth, increase in virtue, and deepen our relationship with the Lord.
Friday: A full meal will be provided that evening at the retreat, but we ask that, if you are healthy and able, to fast during the day on Friday in preparation for this retreat.
Below is the schedule for our retreat, please note that you are not required to go to everything. This is your retreat and you are encourage to attend talks but if you need to take a step back and have some personal quiet time or go on a walk you are welcome to do so.
(4pm Volunteer set up & Mass)
5:00 pm Registration Opens
6:30 pm Dinner
7:30 pm Talk 1 – Dn. Nathaniel Maria Mayne
8:30 pm Stations of the Cross followed by Compline (Night Prayer)
Retreat Quiet Hours: 11pm
6:30 am Silent Adoration (optional)
7:30 am Office of Readings/Morning Prayer
8:30 am Breakfast
9:30 am Talk 2 – Kylie Holzknech
10:45 am Talk 3 – Dn. Nathaniel Maria Mayne
12:00 pm Mass – Homily by Dn. Nathaniel Maria Mayne
12:30 pm Lunch
1:30-4:45 Free Time
Spiritual Direction Available – Fr. Gio, Dn. Nathanial, Kylie, Fr. C
3:30pm Talk on Discernment – Fr. Chrysostom (optional)
4:45 pm Solemn Vespers
5:30 pm Dinner
6:30 Talk 4 – Kylie Holzknech
7:30 pm Adoration & Benediction,
Confession & prayer ministry available during Adoration
Prayer for the Holy Spirit available after Adoration (optional)
~ 9:00 pm Social
Retreat Quiet Hours: 11pm
7:30 am Office/Morning Prayer
8:30 am Breakfast
9:30 am Talk 5 - Kylie Holzknech
11:00 am Mass – Homily by Fr. Chrysostom Mijinke
12:30 Lunch
Open brainstorm discussions for YA ministry and events.
2:00 pm Depart