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Hike & Mass: Lake Serene/Bridal Veil Falls

*** This location has been changed from the previous hike at Park Butte Lookout.

Join us for a beautiful hike to Lake Serene on Saturday, August 17th. We will be meeting at Blessed Sacrament bright and early at 7:00 AM! The hike is rated moderate/hard and is 8.2 miles long and 2000 feet in elevation gain. This is a TWO IN ONE hike with a waterfall (Bridal Veil Falls) midway and a lake at the top (Lake Serene)! Fr. Justin will say Mass at the top as well. You can expect to be back at Blessed Sacrament around 4:00 PM.

Please be prepared with good hiking boots, plenty of water, a lunch, snacks, and waterproof clothing/layers in case of rain/mud. If you are carpooling, please consider giving your driver $5-$10 for gas via Venmo or in cash. If you plan to drive your car to the trailhead, please note that this park requires a National Forest or America the Beautiful Pass. Once everyone is signed up, we will follow up with the drivers to make sure each car has a parking pass.

Hope to see you on the trail!

RSVP Here:

Here is the WTA site for more info:

It should be about an hour drive from Blessed Sacrament:

August 16

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August 24

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